Family Martial Arts
For the Family
Dojang Information
Location and Schedule
Contact information
Testing Requirements
Black Belt Club
Belt and Rank Information
Promotion Pictures
Class Pictures
Modern American Combative Arts
Fred Cho Dan Bo
Preston 1st Gup
Levi 1st Gup
Bridgett 4th Gup
Brady 4th Gup
Gibson 7th Gup
Dave 10th Gup Gold/Black
Dean 9th Gup
Maggie 9th Gup
Charlie 10th Gup Gold/Blue
Jordan 10th Gup Gold/Black
Cardin 10th Gup Gold/Black
Julian 10 Gup Gold/Black
Lacie 10th Gup Gold/Black
Riley 10th Gup Gold/Black
Mary Belle Jr. Gup
George Jr. Gup White Blue
Mireya Jr. Gup White/Gold
Family Martial Arts continues the Korean tradition through San Kil Tang Soo Do and is the perfect FAMILY activity for everyone in and around the Woodbine, GA area.